The culture wars have polarized Americans–but a growing civic repair movement believes it can reverse the damage

Tucker Eskew    Screen Shot 2023 07 20 At 2 38 49 Pm

The harsher voices on the left decry “the unprecedented level of corporate greed that we are now seeing,” while at least one presidential candidate on the right tells companies to bend the knee and resist“corporate wokeness.” With political pressures increasing, brand boycotts multiplying, and the 2024 campaign bearing down on the board room like a bad dream, what are sensible CEOs from left, right, and center to do?

Depolarize, comes the answer from a growing cast of civic entrepreneurs stirred to action. These leaders believe that no matter the corporate culture, executive ideology, or tolerance for issue engagement, more businesses can add depolarization skills to their toolkits. This isn’t a panacea, but companies can constructively vent off competing pressures for public issue engagement by modeling cross-partisanship and goodwill.

This column originally appeared on -- read the full piece here.